Operationally Excellent


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We are dedicated to delivering high-quality fashion-savvy merchandise in a manner that is considerate of industry guidelines and best practices and compliant with all applicable laws and regulations, with a commitment to honesty, trust, respect and dignity for all.

Our commitment to act ethically and with integrity is the responsibility of everyone at the Company. We expect our Associates, Management and Directors, as well as our supply chain partners, to adhere to our policies and to incorporate our guidance within their day-to-day interactions. We reinforce the importance of this behavior through communication, training and auditing and reporting. 

We value good communication among our Associates and strive to create a workplace that fosters constant communication through our “open-door, open-communication” philosophy. We encourage asking questions, sharing ideas and providing feedback so we can mutually achieve our goals and objectives. We keep our Associates informed, and provide them with access to important information like our policies and procedures through our intranet and in our stores. No matter the situation, if someone suspects or witnesses unethical conduct, a violation of policies or laws, dishonesty, theft or the like, we want our Associates to feel comfortable bringing this to our attention, including through our independent third-party operated Open Door and Ethics Hotline. 



At Chico’s, we are on a mission to drive results through the lens of accountability, transparency and ESG stewardship.

To hold ourselves accountable, we have implemented a robust ESG governance structure that engages people across the organization from our Board to our Associates. We have a dedicated Board-level ESG Committee that oversees our ESG policies and practices. Our Executive ESG Steering committee reports to the ESG Committee and spearheads our ESG Task Force, which is our cross-functional Associate-led team that drives division-wide ESG efforts.  

To contribute to a more equitable and sustainable future, we recognize our responsibility to address the issues that are most important to our stakeholders and to prioritize areas where we can make the greatest impact. We rely on ESG frameworks to guide our reporting strategy and are attentive to regulatory developments to ensure we are meeting the expectations of this evolving landscape.  

One of the areas where we are elevating our focus is climate change. We aim to identify opportunities for us to do our part to limit global warming below 2°C. As a first step, we have embarked on a process to assess our Scope 1 & 2 greenhouse gas emissions across our operations. 

To learn more about our Align Interests goal and progress visit our Impact Report.

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